Monday, 28 November 2011

The day the Tooth Fairy became busy.

The picture says it all. This was the time when my brother first realized he can ride his bicycle without holding both handles. I was 5 back then. My brother's intention was, to show off. But then again, as he speeds up, heading downhill, he lost control. So to save himself, he immediately clinch on the brakes. But he forgot that the brake rosak along time ago. =___=
So as I walked out the house, I can hear those loud annoying screeches and yes, I witness a little boy, trying to stop his bike, dragging both his feet alonggggg the way, and BAM! He hits the wall, HARD.
As a result;
1) Bruises all over his body
2) 6 gigi patah
3) bicycle splits into half

When you see a bike is separated into half, you will defintely conclude that this is a total lost. How can you actually fix a bike that is already split in half!? But being a typical smart "Chinaman", my dad has his ways. You know usually when your bicycle rosak, you just bring it to the bicycle shop for some repair. In our case, we actually brought his bike to a welding shop. Yes, a WELDING shop. Even the welding guy laughed his ass off. He said," Ini first time dalam hidup saya nampak basikal belah dua ni. Naik pegi perang ka?" True story.

P/s: I know the picture looks like a 5 year old doodling. Heck, I love doodling.

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