Tuesday, 22 November 2011


I was once a quiet child. In fact, too quiet that my parents thought I was mute. This was a story told by my Mom.- Back when I was a baby, I cry less. As I grow older, around 2-3 years old, I was a quiet kid. A boy who doesn't seem to give two shits in just about anything. So quiet that every time my parents ask me anything I would just nod.

It was such a huge matter that scared my parents. My dad decided to bring to specialists, physicians, and even some tok bomohs. There were too many things running through his mind i.e.:-
1) I may be deaf
2) I may have some tongue problem
3) I may be retarded
4) I may be too ignorant
5) I may be dumb

But none of them actually said I had these problems. 

Now, I am beyond the definition of quiet. If you know me well, you'll know that I'm very very talkative. Hence, this was the conclusion my dad made after listening to this story told by my Mom.
" That was the biggest mistake bringing you to see all of them. Look how talkative you are now. There goes my money."


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